Estoy muy cansado. Un mal día que promete ser el comienzo de muchos mas. Permitanme esta boberia hoy. Ellas no sudan tan mal como yo...Son mujeres perfectas.

1. They all have great Pom Pom's.
2. They always wear short skirts no matter how cold it is.
3. They encourage you to look up their skirts with their leg kicks and cartwheels.
4. They work on Sunday's so you can stay home alone with your friends to watch football.
5. They know about sports.
6. Their uniform can be used in many situations from Halloween to bed.
7. One word, flexibility.
8. They lift and hold their friends by the crotch.
9. These friends are other cheerleaders.
10. They shower together in the locker room.

Chicas del Buccaneers de Tampa. Todo salud.
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