sábado, febrero 26, 2005

Drugs, my care

Y llega el dia del final advertido, melifluo. ¿Como combatir los senderos que se bifurcan? Zambullete en lo temido, cabrón.
wispy smoke twisting rising rising rising, still. a taste like flowers, like your hair rolling tongues soften softer than anything of such sweetness i could only have dreamed but the dream is real, it happened it is happening it will happen again, it is real. -- Justin Sane
Benzodiazapines, my friends...

When it became clear that large numbers of people died each year simply as a result of trying to cure insomnia, the drug companies spent a vast amount of money in an attempt to discover a replacement for the barbiturates. Eventually, the pharmaceutical industry came up with the Benzodiazpines. Eureka! No side-effects, they said. Non-addictive, they said. Safe, they said. Unlikely to be misused, they said. Loads of money, they said. (Much more quietly, to stockholders, in boardrooms.) Like opiates and snake oil before them, Benzodiazapines were marketed as being good for whatever ails you - the original mothers little helper. If you go to the doctor and tell him that you've lost your job, your wife had left you, your dog has died and your next door neighbour keeps giving you funny looks, the chances are, that he'll write you a prescription for benzodiazapines. Well, five or six years ago, he would. At the moment, doctors and the drug companies are being sued by thousands of people who allege that they have suffered from the side effects of benzodiazapines, so now they think twice about it. Then write the prescription. They tend to be divided into two major types. Some are used as hypnotics or sedatives, drugs that are used to induce sleep in insomnia. Benzodiazapines in this category include Nitrazepam - Nitrazepam are a long-acting benzodiazapine hypnotic. Before doctors were forced to prescribe the generic equivalent of a drug, Nitrazepam were possibly the most commonly used sleeper in the U.K. Sold as 'Mogadon', they were the sleeping tablet with the smiley face. In recent years, their popularity seems to have been massively outstripped by the shorter acting benzodiazapine hypnotics, the most popular being Temazepam - Also known as eggs, jellies, temazzies, norries, rugby balls and a host of other pseudonyms, Temazepam seem to be the drug of choice for the treatment of insomnia. They have also replaced the barbiturates as the self-destructive drug user's intoxicant of choice. We will discuss this substance at some length a little later. Other hypnotic benzodiazapines include Flunitrazepam, Flurazepam, Loprazelam and Triazolam. The other major use for benzodiazapines is as anxiolytics - drugs that reduce the anxiety levels of the user. The most commonly used benzodiazapines of this type include Diazepam (Valium), Lorazepam (Ativan), and a whole host of others... Some experts feel that the shorter-acting benzodiazapines like Lorazepam (Ativan) are more addictive and more difficult to withdraw from than the longer-acting types such as Diazepam. For this reason, many doctors recommend substituting Diazepam in any detoxification programme. All benzodiazapines depress the breathing and so if taken with opiates or alcohol, can result in death from respiratory failure. They should be used with caution by anybody who is pregnant or who may have suffered from hepatitis or any other kidney or liver problems. Taken over a longer period, these drugs can make you crazy. Besides becoming addicted, you can become paranoid, agoraphobic (frightened of leaving the house) or develop obsessive/compulsive patterns of behaviour. Still, if it ever happens to you, at least you've got the consolation of suspecting that it's probably a result of the weird, mind-bending drugs that you've been taking. Imagine how it must feel to be a straight housewife, getting a terrible habit with all these wierd side effects, which you got from the medicine that your doctor gave you to help you cope with the depression that you felt when you found your husband was fucking his secretary. Just a little something to help you sleep, my dear. Oooo- eee-ooo!At the moment though, the most popular benzodiazapine must be Temazepam. Benzo's reduce inhibitions, making some people aggressive, but the lack of co-ordination that the drug produces means that you are more likely to get a pasting. Some people feel that the Dutch courage that benzodiazapines produce is actually a cloak of invisibility, even invulnerability. They might go out shoplifting, believing that nobody will be able to see their subtle moves as they swiftly teleport the goods into their stash. In actual fact, the store detectives are thinking. Due to the way that the benzodiazapines reduce inhibitions, some people view downers as an aphrodisiac. In fact, this is a myth that is perpetuated by rapists.

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