martes, febrero 22, 2005

Fallece Guillermo Cabrera Infante

El escritor cubano Guillermo Cabrera Infante, de 75 años, falleció esta noche en Londres, a causa de una septicemia, derivada de numerosos problemas de salud que aquejaban en los últimos meses.

Destacan en su obra 'Tres tristes tigres', 'La Habana para un infante difunto' y 'Mea Cuba'. En 1997, obtuvo el Premio Cervantes, que otorga el Ministerio español de Educación y Cultura. Lamentamos, como él, que en el día de este triste final, no haya sobrevivido al hijoputa de Fidel Castro.

Guillermo Cabrera Infante born April 22, 1929, Gibara, Cuba; novelist, short-story writer, film critic, and essayist who was the most prominent Cuban writer living in exile and the best-known spokesman against the Castro regime. In 1998 he was awarded Spain's Cervantes Prize, the most prestigious and remunerative award for Spanish-language writers. Many of Cuba's intellectuals embraced the Castro regime, but Guillermo Cabrera Infante, who criticized it, was condemned as a traitor and forced into exile. From this bitter experience, which included his hospitalization for mental collapse, came the vivid sketches of Cuban life that made up the acclaimed "View of Dawn from the Tropics".

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