miércoles, octubre 12, 2005

Harriet conoció a Darwin

Esta tortuga es el ser conocido mas longevo del planeta. Se cree que Harriet nacio en 1830. Fue recogida por Darwin en su viaje del Beagle, vive en Brisbane, nunca ha visto a nadie de su especie y acaba de cumplir casi 200 años.
Charles Darwin had brought Harriet and two of her sub-species back to England, in 1835, when she was five years old and about the size of a dinner plate. Checking against Darwin's records from 1834, Harriet is a Santiago tortoise (Geochelone nigra darwini). While she still ovulates annually, she hasn't seen another Galapagos tortoise for over 150 years (or more) - and the zoo hasn't been able to trace a male of her subs species. But she's not lonely, as she is a favourite of staff and visitors alike, and simply adores company".

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