martes, febrero 15, 2005

José Angel Valente

"Borrarse, ser solo huella"
(Orense, 1929-Ginebra, 2000).
"La poesía no sólo no es comunicación; es, antes que nada o mucho antes de que pueda llegar a ser comunicada, incomunicación, cosa para andar en lo oculto."
"El poema nace con su gestación, al igual que en el Tao la gestación es ya el nacimiento del ser humano"
"Nunca te quieras satisfacer/ en lo que entendieres,/ sino en lo que no entendieres"
San Juan de la Cruz. Cántico espiritual I, 12

Pilar Rahola

Antitaurina y antiAlmodovar
Un dia es "Pariente de fusilados por la libertad" y otro habla "A favor de Israel" (ahora tiene el alma judía y que ese sentimiento judio como católica (que???????????????)la completa). Llama democrata a Companys o Casares Quiroga. “Mujer liberada, hombre cabreado”, gran libro. Dice que "no es casualidad que sean los más jóvenes los que nos busquen para formar parejas". La realidad se antoja lo que necesite en ese momento. ¿Como no hubo guerra civil mas veces? Ahora un hijo adoptado para vender libros... No la soporto.

I love Fauja Singh

He has replaced David Beckham as Adidas's new poster boy. On the latest Adidas billboards, spread across London, he is sitting cross-legged; as if cooling his heals after a day's work out, peeping over Londoners, tired and overworked, telling them the secrets of his unfailing energy. Fauja Singh, Britain's most popular Sikh is 93, the oldest runner in Sunday's London Marathon. He is threatening to break his own world record of 5.40 hours in the 90 plus age bracket that he set last year. While running Marathon races in London, New York and Toronto last year, he raised thousands of pounds for various charities promoting Sikh culture around the world. He has also raised money for B.L.I.S.S., a charity dedicated to the care for premature babies. He describes it as the 'oldest running for the youngest'.
Fauja Singh shot to fame five years ago, when aged 89, he completed the gruelling 26.2 mile distance in 6 hours and 54 minutes. This knocked 58 minutes off the previous world best for anyone in the 90 plus age bracket. The career of this extraordinary Marathon runner is closely supervised by his personal trainer Harminder Singh. He says 'he can still run for a few more years. And perhaps in five years he might be the oldest man to run a Marathon.' Fauja Singh came to London in 1992 to live with his son after his wife's death in his village in Jalandhar. 'Sitting at home was really killing,' he says in Punjabi. 'Most elderly people in Britain eat a rich diet, don't move about and only travel in cars, and that makes them sick,' he says. He wasn't prepared to go the same way. So he took up jogging initially to beat the boredom of sitting at home.

'I never thought of running a Marathon then. But slowly it grew.' What surprises many is that he supports his eight stone and six feet tall body frame with a very simple vegetarian diet. 'I am very careful about different foods. My diet is simple phulka, dal, green vegetables, yoghurt and milk. I do not touch parathas, pakoras, rice or any other fried food. I take lots of water and tea with ginger.' And that smile is eternally fixed beneath his silver haired beard. Perhaps that's the reason behind his strikingly inspiring and positive attitude. 'I go to bed early taking the name of my Rabba [God] as I don't want all those negative thoughts crossing my mind.' Doesn't he find it difficult to cover 26 miles at this age? 'The first 20 miles are not difficult. As for last six miles, I run while talking to God.' Last year, Adidas signed him up for its 'Nothing Is Impossible' advertising campaign. He won't reveal how much money the deal involves, but says that a large part of his earnings goes to charity. But the question is how long can he continue to run Marathons. Steven Carroll, an expert in sports medicine says that Fauja Singh should go on running for as long as he likes, provided his cardiovascular system is able to support his gruelling schedule. But, he cautioned: 'No one should run a marathon, be they 16 or 93, without getting properly fit first. A marathon is a punishing event and anyone thinking of entering must build up endurance.' Last Friday, Fauja Singh had to go through his final medical test. 'They had all types of machines and took many tests. Everything is fine with me. Though my one leg is weaker than the other, I can complete the run,' he says wth a disarming smile. That's why the Adidas billboard warns the Marathon runners from Kenya: 'The Kenyans had better watch out for him when he hits 100.'
Via: and The Indian Express

Mi idolo, el viejo Ken Wilber

Tony Schwartz, former New York Times reporter and author of "What Really Matters: Searching for Wisdom in America," has called Ken Wilber "the most comprehensive philosophical thinker of our times." I think that is true. I had just finished reading his first book, "The Spectrum of Consciousness," which he wrote when he was 23. He was living in Lincoln, Nebraska, washing dishes for a living, meditating, and writing a book a year. Main Currents in Modern Thought, which published his first essay, was just about to go out of business, and it was my desire to keep alive the integrative focus and spirit that that journal represented. This, combined with my desire to work with Ken in doing so, prompted me to drag him into the publishing business. We were both about 27 at the time, and within a year or two we had ReVision up and running, based very much on the integral vision that we both shared and that Ken was already articulating in a powerful way.
But it is exactly the comprehensive and integral nature of Wilber's vision that is the key to the sometimes extreme reactions that his work elicits. Wilber's approach does nothing less than offer a coherent integration of virtually every field of human knowledge, What is his actual method? In working with any field, Wilber simply backs up to a level of generalization at which the various conflicting approaches actually agree with one another. Take, for example, the world's great religious traditions: Do they all agree that Jesus is God? No. So we must jettison that. Do they all agree that there is a God? That depends on the meaning of "God." Do they all agree on God, if by "God" we mean a Spirit that is in many ways unqualifiable, from the Buddhists' Emptiness to the Jewish mystery of the Divine to the Christian Cloud of Unknowing? Yes, that works as a generalization—what Wilber calls an "orienting generalization" or "sturdy conclusion."
Wilber likewise approaches all the other fields of human knowledge: art to poetry, empiricism to hermeneutics, cognitive science to meditation, evolutionary theory to idealism. In every case he assembles a series of sturdy and reliable, not to say irrefutable, orienting generalizations. He is not worried, nor should his readers be, about whether other fields would accept the conclusions of any given field; in short, don't worry, for example, if empiricist conclusions do not match religious conclusions. Instead, simply assemble all the orienting conclusions as if each field had incredibly important truths to tell us. In other words, assemble all of the truths that each field believes it has to offer humanity. For the moment, simply assume they are indeed true.
Wilber then arranges these truths into chains or networks of interlocking conclusions. At this point Wilber veers sharply from a method of mere eclecticism and into a systematic vision. For the second step in Wilber's method is to take all of the truths or orienting generalizations assembled in the first step and then pose this question: What coherent system would in fact incorporate the greatest number of these truths?
The result is the "integral system" that Wilber has elaborated in his many books, a system that appears to incorporate the greatest number of orienting generalizations from the greatest number of fields of human inquiry. Thus, if it holds up, Wilber's approach incorporates and honors, it integrates, more truth than any other system in history.
The general idea is straightforward. It is not which theorist is right and which is wrong. Wilber's basic idea is that "Everybody is right"—that is, everybody has an important, if partial, truth—and Wilber wants to figure out how that can be so. "I don't believe," he says, "that any human mind is capable of 100 percent error." Or, as he often jokes, "Nobody is smart enough to be wrong all the time." So, Wilber concludes, "instead of asking which approach is right and which is wrong, we assume each approach is true but partial, and then try to figure out how to fit these partial truths together, how to integrate them—and not how to pick one and get rid of the others."
The third step in Wilber's overall approach is the development of a new type of critical theory. Once Wilber has the overall scheme that incorporates the greatest number of orienting generalizations, he then uses that scheme to criticize the partiality of narrower approaches, even though he has included the basic truths from those approaches. He criticizes not their truths, but their partial nature.
In his integral vision, therefore, is a clue to both of the extreme reactions to Wilber's approach—that is, to the claims that it is some of the most significant work ever published, as well as to the chorus of angry indignation. The angry criticisms are coming, almost without exception, from theorists who feel that their own field is the only true field, that their own method is the only valid method. Regardless of what is decided, the stakes, as I said, are enormous. I asked Wilber how he himself thought of his work. "I'd like to think of it as one of the first believable world philosophies, a genuine embrace of East and West, North and South." Which is interesting, given that Huston Smith (author of The World's Religions and subject of Bill Moyer's highly acclaimed television series The Wisdom of Faith) recently stated as much when he observed, "No one—not even Jung—has done as much as Wilber to open Western psychology to the durable insights of the world's wisdom traditions. Slowly but surely, book by book, Ken Wilber is laying the foundations for a genuine world integration." At the same time, Ken adds, "People shouldn't take it too seriously. It's just orienting generalizations. It leaves all the details to be filled in any way you like." In short, Wilber is not offering a conceptual straightjacket. Indeed, it is just the opposite: "I hope I'm showing that there is more room in the Kosmos than you might have suspected."

Chi Chi La Rue - Sex Becomes Her

Hoy conocí a este personaje. Director porno tanto gay como hetero. Mucho peligro.

70 minute film profiling US porn director Chichi La Rue, a story that explores growing up gay and the escape into the big city.
This is a voyage into the underworld of gay porn, desire and sexual obsession. Sex Becomes Her is an American success story with a twist. Larry Paciotti grows up in a small community in Minnesota. He is overweight and effeminate. His family accepts and loves him regardless of the intolerant community. With his dreams in a suitcase, Larry leaves home and heads for the big city.
In Los Angeles he works his way into the industry he has always dreamed of: gay porn. In very little time, he makes it big and then changes the face of gay porn with an original style, wit and barefaced (not to mention bare-assed) cheek.
Sex Becomes Her is an intimate portrait of a small town boy who made it big in the world of drag, sex stars and porn films.


lunes, febrero 14, 2005

Michael Jackson

El caso de Michael es el de un genio inabordable en el terreno de lo musical. También es el de una demencia consentida. Su vida trepidante no habria sido permitida si el genio fuere un ciudadano medio. Su infantil visión del mundo, siguiendo el simple texto del Codigo de Comercio, impediría que gestionase sus propias sociedades. Aunque en el fondo eso es lo que ha pasado y sigue ocurriendo en el juicio.
Michael Jackson continuó su carrera, plenamente perturbado, mientras aportaba dividendos al parasito societario. Permitian que se hiciera mil cambios de rostro, que se masturbase delante de crios como un simple adolescente pero de 33 años, o que edificase un zoo con parque de atracciones absoluatmente ruinoso. Todo si daba dinero. Cuando surgió el primer estorsionador todo se vino abajo.
Yo creo que esta es la historia de un genio maltratado por sus padres. Un pavo sin infancia ni sexualidad que encontró entre esos crios el único lugar confortable. Entre ellos ha pretendido ser normal, conocer su pene y aliviar la presión. No creo que los haya violado. Si que se haya hecho pajillas o travesuras. Mr. Jackson no está bien. El dia que Motolla retiro la vidilla a su web, fue cuando lo vio encarcelado, no cuando bajó las ventas ni cuando percibió la locura. Alguien debía haber dado una paliza a su padre; debían haber detenido las operaciones y los disparates. Pero eso pasó y ahora ya no es ese bello negro de pelo afro y pies dinamitados. Ahora es un loco.

Carmen Electra - Official 2005 Calendar

Me siento mal. Leo todo el dia y espero la llamada que no llega. Oscurece todo. No veo salida a nada y el tremendismo asoma la carita. El desamparo gris. Ves pasar los buses, los trenes, los coches. Todo se mueve menos yo. Carmen Electra sale a mi paso. Ayudame, Carmen. Dime lo que quiero oir.

domingo, febrero 13, 2005


Fatima Sor Lucia
Sor Lucia

Fin de un tiempo
Sor Lucía, uno de los tres pastores que afirmaron haber visto a la Virgen en Fátima en 1917 y que les hizo depositarios de los tres famosos secretos, murió el 13 de febrero de 2005 con 97 años en su convento portugués, donde vivía enclaustrada desde 1948. Con 10 años, dijo haber visto, por primera vez, a la Virgen en la Cova de la Iría, mientras estaba con sus primos Jacinta y Francisco Marto. Vieron sobre una encina la imagen brillante de María, quien les ordenó que regresasen ese mismo día durante seis meses. 

Fue la única de los tres que aseguró haber oído las palabras de la Virgen y era la última superviviente. El Papa beatificó en 2000 ante 700.000 personas a Francisco y Jacinta Marto y en la actualidad se encuentra en el Vaticano el proceso de canonización de los hermanos. 

David Deida

El gran timador

Si. Creo que es un timador. En America triunfa desde hace años respaldado por la autoridad de Ken Wilber Lama Surya Das. No encuentro fundamento para una filosofía existencial en torno a una actividad límbica como el sexo. Es una personificación de la conocida falacia pre/trans.

David Deida is the author of ten books published in more than 25 languages, including The Way of the Superior Man and Dear Lover 

“The Way of the Superior Man is quite wonderful. Finally, a guide for the noncastrated male. This book will offend and infuriate some, inspire and test others, but challenge virtually everybody. Few are the books that discuss strong sexuality within strong spirituality, instead of tepid sexuality diluted by a mediocre spiritual stance. This book steps straightforwardly into the challenge. Love it or loathe it, it is a shout from the heart of one perspective of the eternal masculine. KEN WILBER 

Acknowledged as one of the world's most insightful and provocative spiritual teachers of our time, best-selling author David Deida continues to revolutionize the way that men and women grow spiritually and sexually. 

"David Deida is the one western teacher of tantra whose books I read and whom I send students to learn from. The results of true practice, in any tradition, are unmistakable; David Deida demonstrates them." 
Lama Surya Das, author of Awakening the Buddha Within

Deida is far more concerned with your authentic realization of openness and love than he is with creating more clothing for yet another spiritual outfit. His teaching serves to remove any cloaks your heart might be wearing, especially any garments knit of sexual confusion. 

From Naked Buddhism: "Right now, and in every now-moment, you are either closing or opening. You are either stressfully waiting for something--more money, security, affection--or you are living from your deep heart, opening as the entire moment, and giving what you most deeply desire to give, without waiting." 

Otros libros: 

The Way of the Superior Man

Intimate Communion
It's a Guy Thing

Instant Enlightenment

Counting locos

Este sitio critica los medicamentos neurolépticos.

Cronica de una cerveza anunciada

Czech brewed Pilsner Urquell kills Juan Lopez Expósito
En el año 1995 este cuerpo aún no conocia el vino o la cerveza. Hoy, este cuerpo vive secuestrado. Algunas veces los rezos son atendidos. Rogue Ales de Newport, Oregon es la campeona del mundo. Old Rasputin también triunfó. Hay grandes opciones.
Estas son las mas vendidas en América de importación:
Guinness (Ireland), Spaten Ur-Märzen (Germany), Pilsner Urquell (Czech Republic) es mi favorita. Chimay Grand Reserve (Belgium), Stella Artois (Belgium), Ayinger Celebrator (Germany), Fuller's ESB (England), Schneider Weisse (Germany), Beck's (Germany) Bitburger (Germany), Dos Equis (Mexico), Ayinger Celebrator (Germany), Samichlaus (Austria), Samuel Smith's Oatmeal Stout (England), Fuller's ESB (England) Newcastle Brown (England), Duvel (Belgium), Scheider Weisse (Germany), Lindemans Framboise (Belgium), Heineken (The Netherlands), St. Pauli Girl (Germany), Paulaner Salvator (Germany), Negra Modelo (Mexico), Czechvar (Czech Republic), Sapporo (Japan), Bitburger (Germany), Warsteiner (Germany), Samichlaus (Austria) Niagara Eisbock (Canada), y muchas mas, como Murphy's English stout, old aleSamuel Smith's Oatmeal Stout, Young's Double Chocolate Stout, Gale's Old Ale, English bitterFuller's ESB Bass Ale, Boddington's, Newcastle Brown, LambicLindemans Framboise, Cantillon Rose de Gambrinus, Boon Geuze, Belgian/French classics Duvel, Saison DuPont, Trois Monts Wheat, whiteSchneider Weisse, Hoegaarden, Blanche de Chambly...
Este cuerpo está perdiendo la cabeza.

Madrid burning. Windsor collapses

sábado, febrero 12, 2005

.::Boyana Film Studios::.

Dicen que puede que me manden aquí. Tengo miedo.
Boyana Film is a unique film production complex on the Balkans.... A Balkan "Hollywood" in Bulgaria. It is a film city with its own infrastructure and independent possibilities.


Hoy he re-visto dos peliculas. Hellboy y El Paciente Inglés. Me animé a ver la segunda porque encontré en la red el guión. Nadie se cansa de analizar esta historia.
Un guión impecable que aquí se puede leer. Anthony Minghella monta dos tramas en paralelo. Presente y flash-backs. Mantiene en las dos lineas narrativas una pulsión creciente. Melodrama a la antigua. Brillante, llena de buen gusto, triste y majestuosa. El plano inicial sobre las superficies deserticas y las indefensos cuerpos sobre el biplano tienen sobre todo eso, majestad. La melancolia del elegante quemado Hungarian Count Laszlo de Almasy (Ralph Fiennes) sigue viva años despues. Juliette Binoche y Kristin Scott Thomas no volaron nunca tan alto.
"As the sensitive Hana, Binoche delivers one of the most incandescent performances I've ever had the pleasure to watch."-- Matt Brunson, CREATIVE LOAFING
"An aerobic workout for the tear ducts." -- Mike Clark, USA TODAY
"This is literally a brilliant evocation of what movies can create on celluloid."-- David Perry, CINEMA-SCENE.COM
"Highly passionate and moving."-- Michael Dequina, MR. BROWN'S MOVIES

Loísmo, laísmo, leísmo

Primeros pasos para seguir a David Deida
"La dije que viniera", "Tu libro, le tengo yo", etc., son construcciones muy habituales en el centro de España (especialmente en Madrid y el norte de Castilla), sobre todo en el lenguaje coloquial. Se trata del fenómeno del laísmo y el leísmo, producido al usar los pronombres átonos de tercera persona (la, lo, le, las, los, les) en funciones sintácticas que no les corresponden. Por ello, antes de avanzar en la descripción del problema, es conveniente repasar las funciones de cada forma pronominal:
– La/las: complemento directo femenino.
– Lo/los: complemento directo masculino.
– Le/les: complemento indirecto, tanto femenino como masculino.
Uso del pronombre "la/las" en función de complemento indirecto.
"A Mari la di el libro". Está claro que "la" cumple aquí función de complemento indirecto ("el libro" es el directo), por lo que debe ser sustituido por "le": "A Mari le di el libro".
Un tipo de estructura propicia a inducir a error, lo constituye la formada por el verbo hacer + infinitivo. En ellas, no debe considerarse dicho infinitivo como complemento directo del verbo "hacer", ya que ambos forman una unidad verbal, cuyo objeto directo es la cosa o persona sobre la que recae la acción: "¿Llegó Mari? Sí, la hice venir" (No "le hice venir"). Más difícil de detectar es el error que se produce con ciertos verbos que rigen la preposición "a": esta nos lleva a creer que el complemento que sigue ha de ser indirecto, cuando en realidad se trata de verbos transitivos, como ayudar a, obligar a, etc., que, por tanto, deben ir siempre acompañados de "lo/la" complemento directo: "¿La ayudo a subir la compra?", "La obligaron a venir", etc.
El laísmo se está propagando también a ciertos verbos intransitivos, como gustar, importar, interesar, pasar, etc.: "A Lola la gusta venir por aquí". Este uso de "la", tan incorrecto como el otro, debe evitarse y sustituirse por "le": "A Lola le gusta venir por aquí", "¿Qué le pasa a tu hermana?".
Uso del pronombre "le/les" en función de complemento directo
"El cuaderno, me le dejé en la clase". En esta frase también resulta obvio cuál es el complemento directo ("el cuaderno"), por lo que el pronombre personal que a él hace referencia habrá forzosamente de ser "lo", no "le": "El cuaderno, me lo dejé en la clase".
La Academia, con todo, hace una excepción dentro del leísmo: acepta el uso de "le" como complemento directo, única y exclusivamente cuando se refiere a persona, pero no a animal ni cosa, y solo en singular: así pues, tanto "A Juan le vi ayer", como "A Juan lo vi ayer" son aceptables; pero en plural solo la forma "los" es correcta: "A Juan y Antonio los vi ayer". Existe, finalmente, una curiosa variedad de leísmo denominada leísmo de cortesía, consistente en utilizar "le/les" como complemento directo haciendo referencia a un interlocutor masculino o femenino al que se trata de usted: "¿Le atiende alguien", "Le acompaño a casa". Su uso, surgido para evitar ambigüedad en las funciones de los pronombres átonos, como en la frase "despídelo (a él), que yo le acompaño (a usted)", está tan extendido hoy día en toda la comunidad hispanohablante (incluidas las despedidas formales del tipo "Le saluda atentamente") que tiende a ser aceptado como correcto en todas las situaciones, salvo en los casos en que, siendo el complemento femenino, no habría lugar a ninguna ambigüedad: se prefiere seguir utilizando, entonces, "la" complemento directo: "¿La ayudo a usted?".
Uso del pronombre "lo/los" en función de complemento indirecto.
Es el error menos extendido, y el considerado como de uso más vulgar de los tres. En "Lo he dado la última oportunidad a mi novio" o "Su jefe los toma el pelo", "lo" cumple la función de complemento indirecto ("oportunidad" o "pelo" son los directos), por lo que ha de cambiarse, en ambos casos, por "le" y "les", respectivamente: "Le he dado la última oportunidad" o "Su jefe les toma el pelo".


Books & sex & WINE. My God and my father. Books & movies. Creativity is dead. Religion is better. Religions regret.
Hoy no quiero escribir nada. No buscaré fotos. Hoy voy a beber vino y a ver futbol y Hellboy. Hoy solo lloraré y diré al creador que necesito una pequeña cosa que me hace incompleto. Dolorosamente. Quiero matar mi deseo. Y a Britney Spears.
Beberé como un berebere que escribe el elogio al vino. Ser un residuo lleno de nada. Periferia de todo sin observar nada. Suspiro de voz que no converge palabras. Solo bebo a gotas. Para que el cuerpo no moleste esta canción de mi dios. San Valentin me pide que ahoge a los blancos-rojos en el bidón añejo de G. Delgado.
Dime si tu me envias hacia esa sorda sombra. Dime si obro bien y matándome acierto. ¿Este vertigo es fiel? Confíame tu rezo. Canto los retoños de esa vida nueva. Paseo por Londres y sonrio a esta chusma. Vino del Priorato. Sin patria.

Oriana Fallaci

Hay un texto de Fallaci que comparto del todo, sobre un nuevo nazismo, a nazism, so much more malevolent and repulsive because it is conducted and nourished by those who hypocritically play the part of the good guys, the progressives, the communists, pacifists, Catholics and even more, the Christians, who have the gall to call those like me who shout truth at them a warmonger.
Oriana Fallaci es una anciana. Nació en 1930 en Italia. Vive entre Florencia y Nueva York. Tiene muy mala leche. Fue, hace unos años, la periodista y feminista mas popular del mundo. Entrevistó a todo aquel que se prestigiase un poco. De Kissinger a Arafat. Daba miedo.
Hoy sigue asustando pero es ya muy mayor. Tiene miedo a ser asesinada. Pocos la ven, recluida en sus selectas residencias. Dice cosas politicamente incorrectas. Ampara el estado de Israel y al pueblo judio. Reprocha mil cosas al Islam y al cristianismo. Está acabando su nueva obra, «Apocalipsis», redactado como la parte final de su «Biblia». Otras cien páginas de la entrevista que se ha hecho a sí misma frente al puerto de Caronte, donde espera a que el cáncer la consuma definitivamente. El libro, de próxima aparición en Italia, ataca también a Zapatero. Será el último tomo de su trilogía sobre el «cáncer moral de Occidente».

viernes, febrero 11, 2005

Rafael Cansinos Assens

Cansinos Assens fue uno de las mentes mas lucidas y anonimas de la literatura esapñola del siglo XX. Fue presursor de nuevas tendencias, legendario tertuliano del café Colonial y maestro primordial de Jorge Luis Borges. Aqui presentamos el trabajo realizado en torno a su vida y obra en su web postuma.
Rafael Cansino Assens nació en 1882 en Sevilla. En Madrid, en época de los modernistas, se integra en la vida literaria de Madrid y su bohemia. Fue sefardita militante y ultraista maestro de Borges. La traducción de la obra completa de Dostoievski le llevará ocho años. Traduce la obra completa de Goethe y realiza una magnifica biografía de Goethe. Fallece en 1964 con 81 años.
Escribe el día de su muerte el que será su último poema, un salmo titulado "El último deseo", que empieza "Cuando el último canto expire de mis labios -dijo el poeta- quiero que me entierren en tierra de mi patria, en la tierra sagrada de Sión, tierra de mis abuelos gloriosos..."

Arthur Miller dies (1915-2005)

Siempre reivindicó la grandeza del hombre pequeño.
". . . the tragic feeling is evoked in us when we are in the presence of a character who is ready to lay down his life, if need be, to secure one thing - his sense of personal dignity." - AM in "Tragedy and the Common Man"
Winner of many literary and dramatic award, Miller is an important force in American drama. His major characters are ordinary and suffering individuals seemingly trapped by naturalistic circumstances. And yet, Miller points out, they have dignity if not human greatness. Critical debate centers on the use or misuse of applying the norms of Aristotelian tragedy to a twentieth century democratic society. Miller has argued forcefully that a "lowman" is capable of a heroic status.
Main Opus The Golden Years, 1939-40; The Man Who Had All the Luck, 1944; Focus (a novel), 1945; All My sons, 1947; Death of a Salesman, 1949; An Enemy of the People (Ibsen adaptation), 1950; The Crucible, 1953; A View from the Bridge, 1956; The Misfits, 1961; After the Fall, 1964; Incident at Vichy, 1964; I Don't Need You Any More (short stories), 1967; The Price, 1968; The Creation of the World and Other Business, 1972; The Archbishop's Ceiling, 1977; Playing for Time, 1980; The American Clock, 1980; Timebends (autobiography), 1987; Everybody Wins (screenplay), 1990; The Ride Down Mt. Morgan, 1991; The Last Yankee, 1993; Broken Glass, 1994.